Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Peter kept Dad tonight and brought him to Legal Grounds, where I had finished having dinner with friends. On the way home, Dad was sort of whispering something over and over, like "shwus, shwus, shwus." I was talking on the phone and said, "335." Then Dad repeated over and over "335...335...335." Sometimes I wonder about his word repetitions. I think with dementia, it is one way someone can hang on to the present and maybe be a part of their surroundings. He didn't say another thing the entire ride, not even when we saw a police with a flashing blue light at the Hudlow/64 intersection. When we got home, Dad sat at the bar while I made sandwiches for the soccer team. He watched my every move as I spread mayo and mustard and put on turkey and then as I made egg salad and spread it on the sandwiches. He didn't say a word. He didn't even ask what I was doing and I made 30 sandwiches. Although he did look at me, raise his eyebrows, and smile. After I finished, he started looking at his books. When I got the kitchen cleaned, I took him to the bathroom and then got him ready for bed. He's behind me over here, doing that same whispering of the same thing over and over. I hope he sleeps well tonight. He was really active last night. He would sit at the bar, then get up and walk back toward the bedroom, then sit in his recliner, then get up and go to the bathroom, then sit at the bar, etc. He got up at midnight and I got him back in bed. Then I got up at 3 to check on him and change him. Good night.......Susie

1 comment:

  1. Susie, I forget to check your blog...I wish I could just remember to do it daily because it would jog my memory to keep you in my prayers. I read the post about changing the "depends" and I can so relate with what you deal with daily ( I only have Mondays in Hendersonville). Mother has enough wits about her most days that the "depends" thing is very degrading for her and you can tell it bothers her for her daughter to have to change her and wipe her bottom (I use the flushable wipes). It is much easier for her if the caregiver changes her but you do what you gotta do and on Monday's she has to deal with me! I love your attitude about all of this and sharing your journey is encouragement for me. You are a blessing indeed and have so much love in your heart...just like your mom!
